Monday, September 26, 2011

The Next Campaign, pt 1

So, I wrapped up my first DnD run, The Ciaren Campaign a few weeks ago. According to feedback, it went really well (note to self: make RPG feedback forms). As it often does, the end of one campaign leads to the beginning of another campaign. “What’s next?”

I’ve got three to four players right now. After talking it over with them, I cut the options down to a Shadowrun series, a Star Wars series, or the realization of a Star Trek series.

Now, Derek wants to run Shadowrun. When I asked what elements of Shadowrun he liked, so as to either narrow down what elements of Shadowrun I had to learn about or what elements of Star Trek or Star Wars I wanted to accentuate, he described Shadowrun to me. It was surprisingly helpful.

Richard is a longtime Star Wars fan. He wasn’t lobbying for Star Wars, but we’ve never had a good run of the setting in the eleven plus years we’ve been roleplaying. That said, when I mentioned I’d probably rewatch Episodes IV-VI and make up whatever was happening after that, he shrugged. Despite that, I know if I do run Star Wars, there will be several instances where I describe something, he tells me how that differs from canon, then I, without really acknowledging him beyond an indifferent stare, will double down on those differences. I asked Richard what about the Star Wars setting he liked, and he mentioned being a Jedi and having a team of associates with diverse skills who uncover mysteries and solve problems. 

Zach has been catching up with Star Trek: the Next Generation on Netflix. He’s interested in being in a Star Trek series. I haven’t talked with him in depth about it, but Star Trek is my pet series of all of these, and I’m eager to run it.

The only problem is the “pet campaign” problem. It seems whenever Derek tries to run Shadowrun, Richard tries to run Star Wars, or I try to run Star Trek, we each want our series to be so perfect that we just plan infinitely until the series just gets realistically canceled and we do something else. That’s why Derek or I have to run Star Wars, Richard or Derek have to run Star Trek, and Richard or I have to run Shadowrun. Otherwise, the complications just weigh us down. It’s funny, but…no, it’s just sad.

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