Thursday, December 5, 2013

Sand, Steel, and Sunsets: The Town of Guinness

The party, with Backpfeifengesicht loses Hidden Bolt's Trail around the city of Guinness, in Texas. Some of them continue into the city and the rest try to follow up on Dalton's trail. Those who continue into the town meet up with Earl, a shopkeeper who works for Ma Torel. Earl offers to connect them with Hidden Bolt Dalton if they convince local town personalities to put up fliers for his campaign for town sheriff. Meanwhile, local mogul Bill Williamson wants Nathaniel Cavanaugh to swap ballots for him.

Steel, Sand, and Sunsets: The Tournament

My recollection of some of these things is fuzzy. If I've misremembered something, let me know. I don't want to overlook anyone's achievements. Episode 1: The Tournament Coughinstone travels to Dodge City on the orders of Ma Torel. He's looking for a tinkerer, one Professor Blue Cloud. He owes her money and she intends to collect. Blue Cloud is a notorious gambler, so when Coughinstone hears there's a poker tournament in town, he begins looking for a way in.