Friday, September 9, 2011

Collective Setting System: War and Things Other Than War

Histories have both War and Peace cards. Peace cards give a base bonus, and then another bonus if there’s another nation at Peace in the same era. Border Wars are minor clashes that don’t necessarily need another participant.

The big history is The Great War cards. There are five of them (the number of nations the system was built for). The Great War cards are red on one side and blue on the other. Players play them with the color of their choice facing up. After all histories have been played, whichever color is most popular wins The Great War and receives the win bonuses (and penalties). Whichever side loses receives the loss penalties (and bonuses). There are some specials that can affect this.
Whatever era The Great War is played on will be the era that all other Great War cards are played on. If the first The Great War card is played on a nation’s Recent Era, then all other The Great War cards must also be placed on that era. A player playing a The Great War card may move a nation’s history card to another one of that nation’s eras in order to play a The Great War card, provided that nation doesn’t already have a history card in the other era (Again, if a nation has Histories on all of its eras, no more Histories can be played on it.). If the first The Great War card is played on a nation’s ancient era, then all other nations immediately get their own Ancient era.

If there are no opposing colors of The Great War at the end of play, no one wins The Great War and no bonuses (or penalties) are received. Cheaters.

Ideas for the Future
Template cards better. Putting bonuses for Holdings on the sides and templating Histories to make their eras clearer would be a marked improvement.

Specialization in the form of defense/offense for Power, trust/monetary for External, infrastructure/culture for Internal, etc, etc, would be something to add, possibly on Attitudes or Histories.

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