Thursday, September 8, 2011

Collective Setting System: Your Types

Attitudes: Attitudes alter a nation’s maximum resource values. A nation can only have one attitude, and once it has an attitude, only a special card can change it.

A nation with a Neutral Attitude has the potential to support a much healthier economy, but they tend not to have much potential for expansion. To get a strong ecnomoy, the player needs Histories or Holdings.

Holdings: Holdings are the heart and soul of the system. They represent things the nation has or lacks that defines what it is. Holdings give a +1 bonus to one of a nation’s resources (sometimes +2) or give an equal penalty. Holdings can be played up or inverted; it’s the choice of the player who puts it down (though some cards can invert them later). A nation may have any number of holdings, though a player may not put a holding on a nation that would exceed its maximum and when a player puts an Attitude on a nation that would place a resource’s maximum below its current level, they must remove holdings from that nation to reduce that resource’s level to or below its maximum. Histories are not removed this way or do they face any play restrictions based on a nation’s resource maximum.

Histories: Histories, like holdings, can modify values, but they often have drawbacks as well. Like Holdings, they can be played inverted, which usually reverses their penalties and bonuses alike. Wars are an exception (see tomorrow’s post).

Specials: Do all manner of non-conventional things. They’re a miscellaneous card type that can do anything from invert cards (see above) to represent great heroes and swap histories.

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