Monday, May 13, 2013

Coup D'etat 2: The Zones, Session 01

As the story begins, Tr'Hati and Jonah are traveling together as the mechanic and his ally on a standard trade vessel. They take on a strange Chlorophen traveler. After a pirate attack, the traveler dies and asks Jonah to take his place on an important, if vague job. Meanwhile, Al and his protoge, Ty'lear, are investigating rumors of an ancient Zurai treasure being found in The Zones. Their investigation leads them to Blue Eyes and Battery City, a seedy, inhabited asteroid. Finally, Raxx and Bren are contacted to do a valuable job for one of their contact's bosses.

The three pairs cross paths and find themselves with Blue Eyes. He explains that he has found Memory Alpha, a repository of potent Zurai technology from Eras ago. One of the valuable components he needs is a computer core on board a cruise company's flagship, Community.

The pay is good, so the six sign on and devise a plan. They will sneak aboard, disguised as crew and passengers, wait for the other half of Blue Eyes' team to create a distraction, fake an emergency to get the real crew and passengers off, then reconnect the FTL drive and return to the rendezvous point.

All without a hitch.

1 comment:

  1. and who says I always have to have the attention on me =P
